Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Grinding my Gears - UGH!

In my sixty-seventh attempt to write daily, I'm going to try a new approach. After hearing my relentless complaining about the obnoxiously loud screeching of NYC subway brakes, a certain "someone" suggested I blog about stuff that gets on my nerves. Um... had he been reading my blogs like he said he was, he would've known that that's pretty much all I write about anyway. Except for that one time when I blogged about how much I liked his ass (and I'll never do that again), but that's a whole other story. Anyway, I totally dismissed his suggestion at the time. I mean, that's what he was there for- to listen to me gripe and make me feel better. Besides, a regular blog about my pet peeves is so hackneyed. Anybody recall Peter Griffin's "Grind My Gears" news segment?

Well, my constant lack of inspiration and perpetual "writer's block" state of mind are really beginning to bother me... almost as much as spit on the sidewalk... and idiots who press their stinky butt cheeks against my gorgeous face cheeks when I sit by the door on the train...and my moronic co-workers who simultaneously knock on and open my office door before I invite them in. AND, I am most annoyed by the idea that I am actually about to heed to my evil ex-boyfriend's advice. UGH! Okay- here it goes. Don't worry, I will interject with my regular random posts whenever the mood strikes me.

Since this will hopefully be a regular post, I'll have to title it appropriately. "UGH" is perfect! That's the word I utter whenever I am pissed, annoyed or disgusted at anything. Shout out to Watchen, my co-worker who frequently typed "ugh" in our AIM conversations whenever I made an offhand comment to her. After I fully figured out when and why she used the word, I was totally floored. Those three little letters accurately express my mood about eighty-five percent of the time. Hell, my whole life seems like one big "UGH." Can't wait to share it with you.

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